Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good Friday Travel, Part 3

Last installment for today.  I've got more, but I do have a life. 

Mullets.  Yep, they are still out there.  Fascinated by mullets?  Want to recapture your youthful look?  Looking for a new way to display your mullet?  Then check this out:

Traveling With Kids.  Having traveled with my own kids in airports, I know that it takes a Herculean effort to keep them under your watchful eyes.  Looks like these kids may have been dropped here shortly after their birth. . . . . I can udersdtand why.  "Feral Children" will be the next nightly news expose.

"Fish Bowls."  In some places, where smoking has not been banned entirely, you can see a "Fish Bowl" on each side of a terminal, such as Atlanta.  In these "Fish Bowls" you'll see a collection of people desperately sucking in as much cigarette smoke as the can.  Next time you are in an airport that has one of these, slow down and take it in.  It's really quite sad.  Truth in advertising here, I'm a reformed smoker myself.

More tomorrow!

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