Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is There an Opposite of "PWT"?

     Having gone to a "snooty" venue yesterday ("snooty" venue being defined as a location where people with buckets of extra dinero - preferably a few generations old - throw said dinero at "culture and the arts") I came away wondering what the filthy riches version of "Poor White Trash" ("PWT") is? It was there, I saw it, and it made me start pondering what someone like me (one generation removed from "PWT" as Hannibal Lector says we all are) would call it? "Rich White Something-or-other." Do they have their own cult following like PWT does with "The People of Wal-Mart"? They certainly have a dress code . . . . usually one that shouts: "I'M SO FREEKIN' RICH THAT I PAID $550.00 FOR THIS FUGLY BELT!"

     Some thoughts on a naming convention:

  •  "Rich White Cultured"? Hmm. Nah . . . .
  • "Rich White Snooty"? Maybe . . .
  • "Rich White Snotty"? Now that's just mean.
  • "Rich White Stuck up"? . . . . Eh.
  • "Rich White Snobby"? Maybe
  • "Rich White Uppity"? Now we're talking.
  • "Rich White Pretentious"? OK!
  • "Rich White Pompous"? Maybe.
  • "Rich White Spoiled"? Eh.
  • "Rich White Narcissistic"? They probably are but . . . .
  • "Rich White Prissy" That's it. That's my choice.

      What about your "adventures" 'mongst the "aristocracy?


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